In a world where Big Data drives decisions and large enterprises are able to dramatically increase their effectiveness in sales, marketing and customer service through algorithm based decision making, the terms 'insight' and 'analytics' are thrown around a lot - but what are they?

Insight is defined as the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something. Analytics, as the computational analysis of data or statistics. Simply put, insight and analytics is the process of taking a source of data and gaining a better understanding of what this data means; the outcome of analytical behavior can lead to insight.

What does this mean for modern business?

Data is growing, businesses and organizations are overwhelmed with the amount of data that they can collect and receive from various sources. Without data analytics and data insight, this data is often useless, costly to store and can make data management difficult. We at Ethos@Work help organization to churn this data into a meaningful insight so as to aid in quick provision of data for effective decision making leveraging our capabilities and expertise in the field of Data Science and facilitating the scope for hyper-personalization

Our point of view w.r.t the outcome of analytics and insights :
* Improve customer experience
* Improve efficiency
* Increase revenues

Following are the toolsets supported by Ethos@Work for advanced analytics and insights